The law firm won two recent non-precedential decisions at the U.S.C.I.S. Administrative Appeals Office which sided with us in our appeals of I-601 denials. An I-601 approval is required to waive grounds of inadmissibility, which in these cases involved fraud or misrepresentation. The standard required for waiver approval is the establishment of extreme hardship to a U. S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or parent. Following such a determination of extreme hardship, U.S.C.I.S. must also make a decision on whether a waiver should be approved in the discretion of the agency. The decisions may be of some interest to the readers. In the first one, Matter of L-C-, ID #553828 (AAO Nov. 2, 2017), a large factor in establishing extreme hardship was that although both applicant and qualifying spouse were Chinese, the spouse was born and raised in Hong Kong, and had no ties to mainland China, the home country of the applicant. Also that he maintained that he was unfamiliar with the language, culture, and customs of China. In the second case, Matter of P-Y-K-, ID #639671 (AAO Oct. 31, 2017), the AAO favorably balanced on the side of the applicant the negative factors on discretion of fraud or misrepresentation when procuring a nonimmigrant visa and subsequently entering the United States, the applicant’s failure to depart pursuant to a voluntary departure in 1987, her deportation order in 1993 (which we had previously reopened and terminated), and periods of unlawful presence and employment in the U. S. against a showing of many factors including her son’s service in the Armed Forces of the U. S.
The full decisions can be read here: Matter of L-C-, and Matter of P-Y-K-.